Together we will work through Lucy Leu’s comprehensive curriculum Nonviolent Communication: Companion Workbook to learn and apply the principles of NVC.
The workbook provides 14 chapters of assignments that correlate with the 14 chapters of Marshall Rosenberg‘s book Nonviolent Communication: a Language of Life. So we will work through both books in tandem. |
Join me as we learn together how to speak with authenticity and from the heart. While I am not an expert, nor am I a NVC trained facilitator, I am a person deeply wanting to embody the language and personal transformation that is possible through becoming fluent in NVC. It is my hope that through this group practice I will increase my confidence and clarity in speaking what is alive in me, and hearing what is alive in you. Thereby embodying a more heart centered way of being filled with compassion, connection and clear communication NVC is not yet intuitive for me. I stumble and struggle - a lot. But I have great confidence that with this workbook and the support of the group that we can all transform ourselves and better exemplify a heart centered way of being in our own lives and with our clients. I am also curious to explore this curriculum and gain experience with it to see if it is a program I wish to add to my coaching practice. |
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